Monday, June 8, 2009

Thing 9 - Creative Commons

Creative Commons affects me professionally in that I have a responsibility to teach its guidelines to students and teachers. I don't think it will necessarily impact the way most students learn because it is such a grey area. Young children seem to need either black or white and no grey. I think they will heavily rely on "the teacher" to make judgments for them regarding fair use.

Children love to get photos from the web to use in reports they are doing, e.g. biographical reports. I warn them to make certain that they indicate the source of such photos. Given what I have read, I don't see how my direction on this matter will change.

I often use digital images, audio, and video clips in my teaching. I have never really thought about who owns the materials once I develop them. I'm just not a territorial type person so the thought has never occurred to me. I use the materials to teach kids stuff they need to know and if I can share it with someone else who will use it for the same purpose, it's great! In the educational arena where we are not creating materials for financial gain, I just don't see that copyright is that big of a deal. The work is being used for teaching, and that's OK. Right?

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